I have done a lot in my life…
I am Evelyn, my friends and family call me Evvie, so this blog is called evvie01, there is a story behind that title…
This blog is part of a journey through a lifetime of searching for my voice; my path. I tried first to discover my destination, or at least pinpoint what I was supposed to do when I grew up. That never happened.
I think now the goal is just growing up, learning and changing as needed.
I found answers everywhere, no matter what I read or watched or did, there was an answer to something I needed to know. I didn’t always have the question in mind either but I would recognize the answer straight off.
Then a wonderful cascade of pieces would fall into place.
I will be illustrating some of those moments in the coming years through my blog, writings, and audio that I hope becomes a decent podcast. Maybe I’ll get brave and start doing some video too. It is my hope that through my journey you find some answers to the questions you have, whether you are aware of them or not.
This is an eclectic website; I can’t pin down a subject; though I’ve tried. I do have issues that I am working through, and maybe as I discover how to handle them for myself, I will also help you handle your similar issues…
Similarity is subjective though, remember that.
The sport of baseball has nothing to do with astronomy or meteorology, but the question or the answer may be there anyway. My description of judging the speed and angel of a baseball coming at me from left field may help you recognize a bright object in the sky as a meteor headed in your general direction. (Yes this happened to me, back in the 90’s Lincoln Park MI, the meteor actually exploded over Tennessee, I saw a fragment of that meteor. I don’t think they ever found the meteor; it may have all burnt up long before it hit ground) The point is; I knew what it was, even though the people I was with said that the meteor shower was supposed to be in another part of the sky. I got a lot of flak from voicing my observation. I learned the wrong thing about people; rather I took the wrong thing to heart. I shut down after that, stopped expressing what I knew to be true with confidence, because I couldn’t provide scientific fact.
What perplexed me the most though, was that they too saw the same thing I saw, but chose not to believe what they saw. Their minds were closed to possibility; to believing that a truth exists beyond their comprehension.